Comparing Coolant and Lubricant as Cutting Fluid – Technology Magazine

Chatter and chatter marks. The most common cutting fluids that are used for this purpose are lubrication and cooling. Lubrication fluid reduces the heat as well as friction in cutting metal. The fluid for cooling eliminates any heat from the machine zone, protecting the tool and job from overheating.

Lubricant fluids can reduce the production of heat but they don’t affect previously generated heat. Coolants, however, on the contrary side, do not reduce the amount of heat produced. Due to its particular ability to heat, water is able to function as a cooling fluid. Water, on the other however, has a low lubricity, and is not a good oil-lubricant.

Coolants increase the lifespan of tools and lubricants increase the lifespan of the rotating parts of a device. Due to the presence of water, there’s a tendency for oxidation to occur in coolants, however it doesn’t occur in a fluid lubricant. Coolants can only be applied to the human body and to machines, while lubricants work well when applied to the latter. Coolants seem more liquid like than oils fluids. For effective results, adhere to the volume of usage for coolants and oil-based lubricants.
