Social Bookmarking Sites Target Audiences and Drive Sales

Did you know that, according to a Semiocast study, Pinterest boasts more than 70 million users, and social media platform Reddit raked in over 37 billion page views in 2012? Social bookmarking sites, especially ones focusing on images, are becoming increasingly relevant to marketers. In general, it is much easier to reach customers, wherever they may be, than it is to get customers to come to you. How can marketers get the most results from social bookmark sites?

Consider Image-Based Sites

Image-based sites, including Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr, are rapidly increasing in popularity. Why? Nearly all of the information processed by our brains, or up to 90%, is visual, and visuals can be processed up to 60,000 times faster than words and text. For this reason, eCommerce experts assert that image quality is key, and up to 67% of consumers agree that they are more likely to make purchases based on high quality images.

Visual-based social media sites, too, are seeing results. On average, people following links posted on Facebook spend $60-$80. The average user originating from Pinterest, however, will spend anywhere from $140-$180 on online purchases. Likewise, it is important to keep in mind modern consumers’ favorite platforms. According to Comscore research, 55% of social media users access these sites from mobile devices. A study by ShareThis reveals that Pinterest is one of the biggest social platforms on the iPad, dominating just about 50% of all social activity.

Consider Ease of Navigation, and Targeted Marketing

Images are important, but it is important to keep marketing strategies varied and comprehensive, too. In addition to image-based social bookmarking sites, marketers should consider the potential of user-friendly sites, too. Platforms like Reddit are easy to navigate, and have endless potential for targeted marketing, too. For example, although Reddit touts itself as “The Front Page of the Internet,” users can pick and choose from any amount of subreddits, or subpages devoted to a particular topic. The “Lose It” subreddit, for example, tracks personal victories, and general advice, for weight loss. Even without endorsement in mind, the free app My Fitness Pal gained a considerable amount of users from discussions on the subreddit.

Do not go into social media marketing blind. Facebook and Twitter, though admittedly useful, are far from the only social media platforms out there. Social bookmarking sites give users an easy and simple way to navigate links, sometimes focusing on images, and, at others, using targeted subpages to reach the most relevant audiences.