Two Unexpected Foods That Benefit Your Teeth and Gums – Dentist Dentists

Each vitamin plays a role in a particular component of your oral health. Vitamins D, F and K as an example, are excellent at transporting calcium. This will ensure your teeth are strong. Vitamin A, on the other hand, is vital for fighting gum disease. A higher intake of vitamin A and D is a good way to improve your oral health. Dentists typically recommend getting nutrients from food sources as opposed to supplements. This video will show you how to identify foods with high levels of these nutrients.

Cod liver oil and butter are the primary food items that you should be aware of. Cod liver oil has a lot of nutrients with D, A, and F and butter is a great source of all the nutrients. You don’t need to go out to eat a piece of butter. Be aware that it’s healthy for teeth and have it when you can with other food. Other foods eggs and vegetables are other great sources of these nutrients. In addition, they are beneficial to improve other aspects of your wellbeing too. There are all sorts of vitamins and minerals in greens that can be beneficial for well-being.
