What Should You Set Your AC to While Away? – Las Vegas Home

nearly in the middle of it being a desert. A Las Vegas apartment or home must have an air conditioning system. These systems can be costly due to the fact that heatwaves are beginning to hit. In this video, we will demonstrate ways to cut costs on the cost of your AC.

The general rule is that there’s an ideal temperature you can place your thermostat at. Your air conditioner should only chill your home around 15-20 degrees. It could put your air conditioner in trouble if required to cool the house to a higher temperature than that. It could cause problems down the line. To cut costs, increase the temperature of the AC to 5 degrees when you’re away. When you get back you can turn the AC back to the ideal temperature for about an time of an. It is possible only by using an automatic thermostat. Thankfully, most modern thermostats can even be programmed and controlled from applications on your phone. Thus, modern thermostats could aid in saving costs.
